
Full Stack Notes | Dockers

1. What is Docker?

Docker is a tool for building, running and shipping applications in an isolated Environment

  • Similar to VM
  • Apps run in same environment
  • Standard for software deployment (easier)

2. Containers vs Virtual Machines

Containers are an abstraction at the *application layer**

  • that packages code and dependencies together.
  • Multiple Containers can run on the SAME machine and share the OS Kernel with other containers,
  • each running as isolated processes in User Space
  • light and fast

Virtual machines are an abstraction of physical hardware turning one server into many server.

  • The hypervisor allows multiple VMs to run on a single machine.
  • Each VM includes a full copy of an OS, the application, necessary binaries and libraries
    • taking up tens of GBs.
    • very slow to boot

4. Installing Docker

5. Images, Containers, and Ports

Docker Image is a template for creating an environment of users' choices

Take an application and dockerize so that it can be run by docker

  • add Dockerfile which is a plain text file that includes instructions that docker uses to package up this application into an image

The image contains everything our application needs to run:

  • a cut-down OS
  • a runtime environment (eg. Node)
  • application files
  • third-party libraries
  • environment variables

Container is an running instance of an Image

  • container is a special kind of process because it has its own file system which is provided by the image

Pulling nginx Image