Real Analysis Note 1.1. Logics
What is Real Analysis?
Real analysis is what mathematicians would call the rigorous version of calculus.
- Being “rigorous“ means that every step we take and every formula we use must be proved.
“严格”意味着我们进行的每一步以及使用的每一个公式都必须得到证明 - If we start from a set of basic assumptions, called axioms or postulates, we can always get to where we are now by taking one justified step after another.
In calculus, we might have proved some important results, but we also took many formulas for granted.
- What exactly are limits?
究竟什么是极限? - How do you really know when an infinite sum “converges” to one number?
如何确定什么时候无穷和会“收敛”到一个数? - In an introductory real analysis course, we are reintroduced to concepts we’ve seen before – continuity, differentiability, and so on
每一门实分析的入门课都会重新介绍连续性、可微性等这些曾见过的概念- but this time, their foundations will be clearly laid
但这一次,我们要弄清楚这些概念的本质 - And when you are done, we will have basically proven that calculus works.
- but this time, their foundations will be clearly laid
How to Study Real Analysis
Real analysis is typically the first course in a pure math curriculum,
- because it introduces us to the important ideas and methodologies of pure math in the context of material we are already familiar with.
因为它在熟悉的材料背景下向我们介绍纯数学的重要思想和方法. -
Once we are able to be rigorous with familiar ideas, we can apply that way of thinking to unfamiliar territory.
一旦严格地掌握了那些熟悉的概念,我们就可以把这种思维方式应用到不熟悉的领域里 - At the core of real analysis is the question: “how do we expand our intuition for certain concepts—such as sums—to work in the infinite cases?”
实分析的核心问题是:“如何把某些基于直觉的概念(比如数的和)推广到无限的情形?” - Puzzles such as infinite sums cannot be properly understood without being rigorous.
如果不进行严格论证,我们就无法理解像无穷和这样的难题 - Thus, we must build our hard-core proving skills to apply them to these new, more interesting problems.
The way we learn real analysis is NOT by memorizing formulas or algorithms and plugging things in,
- Rather, we need to read and reread definitions and proofs until we understand the larger concepts at work, so we can apply those concepts in our own proofs.
相反,我们要反复地阅读定义和证明,直到理解了更宽泛的概念,这样才能把这些概念应用到自己的证明中 - The best way to get good at this is to take your time; read slowly, write slowly, and think carefully.
1. Statements
The language of mathematics consists primarily of declarative sentences.
- If a sentence can be classified as true or false, it is called a statement.
如果一个句子可以被归类为真或假,那么它被称为命题。 - The truth or falsity of a statement is known as its truth value.
命题的真或假称为它的真值。 - For a sentence to be a statement, it is not necessary that we actually know whether it is true or false, but it must clearly be the case that it is one or the other.
Consider the following sentences.
(a) Two plus two equals four.
(b) Every continuous function is differentiable.
(c) $x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0$
(d) A circle is the only convex set in the plane that has the same width in each direction.
(e) Every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes.
每个大于 2 的偶数都可以表示为两个素数之和。
Sentences (a) and (b) are statements since (a) is true and (b) is false.
句子 (a) 和 (b) 是命题,因为 (a) 是真的,而 (b) 是假的。 - Sentence (c), on the other hand, is true for some $x$ and false for others.
另一方面,句子 (c) 对某些 $x$ 是真的,而对其他 $x$ 是假的。- If we have a particular context in mind, then (c) will be a statement.
如果我们有一个特定的语境,那么 (c) 就会是一个命题。 - In next section we shall see how to remove this ambiguity.
- If we have a particular context in mind, then (c) will be a statement.
- Sentences (d) and (e) are more difficult.
句子 (d) 和 (e) 更复杂一些。- You may or may not know whether they are true or false, but it is certain that each sentence must be one or the other.
你可能知道,也可能不知道它们是真还是假,但可以肯定的是,每个句子一定是其中之一。 - Thus (d) and (e) are both statements.
因此,(d) 和 (e) 都是命题。
- You may or may not know whether they are true or false, but it is certain that each sentence must be one or the other.
2. Sentential Connectives
In studying mathematical logic we shall not be concerned with the truth value of any particular simple statement.
- To be a statement, it must be either true or false (and not both), but it is immaterial which condition applies.
作为一个命题,它必须是真或假(二者不可兼得),但具体适用哪种情况并不重要。 - What will be important is how the truth value of a compound statement is determined by the truth values of its simpler parts.
重要的是复合命题的真值是如何由其更简单部分的真值决定的。 - In everyday English conversation we have a variety of ways to change or combine statements.
A simple statement like
\(\text{It is windy.}\)
can be negated to form the statement
The compound statement
is made up of two parts: “It is windy” and “The waves are high.”
- These two parts can also be combined in other ways. For example,
The words in blue above ( not, and, or, if . . . then, if and only if ) are called sentential connectives.
Their use in mathematical writing is similar to (but not identical with) their everyday usage.
它们在数学写作中的使用与日常用法相似,但并不完全相同。 -
To remove any possible ambiguity, we shall look carefully at each and specify its precise mathematical meaning.
2.1. Negation of a Statement
Let $\color{blue} p $ stand for a given statement.
设 $\color{blue} p $ 表示一个给定的命题。
Then $\color{blue} \sim p $ (read “not $\color{blue} p $”) represents the logical opposite (negation) of $\color{blue} p $.
那么 $\color{blue} \sim p $(读作“非 $\color{blue} p $”)表示 $\color{blue} p $ 的逻辑相反(否定)。 -
When $\color{blue} p $ is true, $\color{blue} \sim p $ is false; when $\color{blue} p $ is false, $\color{blue} \sim p $ is true.
当 $\color{blue} p $ 为真时,$\color{blue} \sim p $ 为假;当 $\color{blue} p $ 为假时,$ \color{blue}\sim p $ 为真。
This can be summarized in a truth table:
- where ( T ) stands for true and ( F ) stands for false.
其中,( T ) 表示真,( F ) 表示假。2.2. Conjunction of Statements (AND)
The connective and is used in logic in the same way as it is in ordinary language.
逻辑中的连接词 and(与)与日常语言中的用法相同。 - If $p$ and $q$ are statements, then the statement $p$ and $q$ (called the conjunction of $p$ and $q$ and denoted by $p \land q$) is true only when both $p$ and $q$ are true,
如果 $p$ 和 $q$ 是命题,那么命题 $p$ and $q$(称为 $p$ 和 $q$ 的合取,记作 $p \land q$)只有当 $p$ 和 $q$ 均为真时才为真, - and it is false otherwise.
2.3. Disjunction of Statements (OR)
The connective or is used to form a compound statement known as a disjunction.
逻辑中的连接词 or(或)用于形成一个称为析取的复合命题。
In common English, the word or can have two meanings.
In the sentence
the intended meaning is yellow or green, but not both.
- This is known as the exclusive meaning of or.
On the other hand, in the sentence
the intended meaning may include the possibility of having both.
- This inclusive meaning is the only way the word or is used in logic.
这种包容性的含义是逻辑中使用 or 的唯一方式。 - Thus, we have the following truth table:
2.4. Conditional Statement (Implication)
A statement of the form
\[\text{ If } \ p,\text{ then } \ q.\]is called an implication or a conditional statement.
- The if-statement $p$ in the implication is called the antecedent and the then-statement $q$ is called the consequent.
蕴涵命题中“如果”的部分 $p$ 称为前件,“那么”的部分 $q$ 称为后件。
To decide on an appropriate truth table for implication, let us consider the following sentence:
- “If it stops raining by Saturday, then I will go to the football game.“
“如果周六之前雨停了,那么我会去看足球比赛。” - If a friend made a statement like this, under what circumstances could you call him a liar?
如果朋友说了这样的话,在什么情况下你可以说他撒谎了? - Certainly, if the rain stops and he doesn’t go, then he did not tell the truth.
显然,如果雨停了但他没有去,那么他就没有说实话。 - But what if the rain doesn’t stop?
但如果雨没停呢? - He hasn’t said what he will do then, so whether he goes or not, either is all right.
他并没有说明这种情况下他会做什么,所以无论他是否去,都没有问题。- An implication will be called false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent is false.
- An implication will be called false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent is false.
- If we denote the implication “if $p$, then $q$” by $p \Rightarrow q$, we obtain the following table:
如果我们用 $p \Rightarrow q$ 表示蕴涵命题“如果 $p$,那么 $q$”,我们可以得到以下真值表:
It is important to recognize that in mathematical writing the conditional statement can be disguised in several equivalent forms.
- Thus the following expressions all mean exactly the same thing:
If $p$, then $q$.
- $p$ implies $q$.
- $p$ only if $q$.
- $q$, if $p$.
- $q$ provided $p$.
$q$ whenever $p$.
- $q$ is a necessary condition for $p$.
- $p$ is a sufficient condition for $q$.
Visualize an Implication
One way to visualize an implication $R \Rightarrow S$ is to picture two sets R and S, with R inside S.
一种将条件命题 $R \Rightarrow S$ 可视化的方法是将其想象为两个集合 R 和 S,其中 R 包含在 S 中。
- Objects that are Round are in set R, and Objects that are Solid are in set S.
圆形的物体属于集合 R,实心的物体属于集合 S。
We see that the relationship between R and S in Figure above can be stated in several equivalent ways:
我们可以看到,上图 中 R 和 S 的关系可以用多种等价的方式表述:
- If an object is Round (R), then it is solid (S).
如果一个物体是圆形的 (R),那么它是实心的 (S)。 - An object is solid (S) whenever it is round (R).
每当一个物体是圆形的 (R),它就是实心的 (S)。 - An object is solid (S) provided that it is round (R).
如果一个物体是圆形的 (R),那么它是实心的 (S)。 -
Being round (R) is a sufficient condition for an object to be solid (S).
圆形 (R) 是物体为实心 (S) 的充分条件。
(It is sufficient to know that an object is round to conclude that it is solid.)
(知道一个物体是圆形的足以推断它是实心的。) - Being solid (S) is a necessary condition for an object to be round (R).
实心 (S) 是物体为圆形 (R) 的必要条件。
(It is necessary for an item to be solid in order for it to be round.)
2.5. Biconditional
The statement
is the conjunction of the two conditional statements $p \Rightarrow q$ and $q \Rightarrow p$.
是两个条件命题 $p \Rightarrow q$ 和 $q \Rightarrow p$ 的合取。
- A statement in this form is called a biconditional and is denoted by
In written form, the abbreviation “iff” is sometimes used instead of “if and only if.”
在书面表达中,有时使用缩写“iff”来代替“if and only if”。 -
Thus we see that $p \Leftrightarrow q$ is true precisely when p and q have the same truth values.
3. Tautologies and Contradictions
- Tautologies and Contradictions are often important in mathematical reasoning.
A compound statement is called a tautology if it is always True for ALL truth value assignments for its component statements.
给定一个复合命题,如果对其分量命题无论做怎样的赋值,其对应的真值永远是真,则称该命题为永真命题 - If a compound statement is False for ALL truth value assignments, then it is called a contradiction
- Because $p \ \lor \sim p$ is always True for ALL truth value assignments, it is a tautology.
- Because $p \ \land \sim p$ is always False for ALL truth value assignments, it is a contradiction.
4. Logical Equivalences
An important type of step used in a mathematical argument is the replacement of a statement with another statement with the same truth value.
数学证明中使用的一个重要步骤就是用真值相同的一个命题替换另一个命题。 - Because of this, methods that produce statements with the same truth value as a given compound statement are used extensively in the construction of mathematical arguments.
The compound statements $p$ and $q$ are called logically equivalent if the biconditional statement $p \Leftrightarrow q$ is a tautology.
如果 $p \Leftrightarrow q$ 是永真命题,则复合命题 $p$ 和 $q$ 是逻辑等价的。
- Or, Compound statements that have the same truth values in all possible cases are called logically equivalent.
- Since The truth table for the biconditional can be obtained by analyzing the compound statement $(p \Rightarrow q) \land (q \Rightarrow p)$ a step at a time.
因为双条件命题的真值表可以通过逐步分析复合命题 $(p \Rightarrow q) \land (q \Rightarrow p)$ 得到。
- Then we can say $(p \Rightarrow q) \land (q \Rightarrow p)$ and $p \Leftrightarrow q$ are logically equivalence
[1] Steven R. Lay, Analysis with an Introduction to Proof, 5th edition (Pearson, 2012)
[2] Raffi Grinberg, The real analysis lifesaver (Princeton University Press, 2012)